£60.00 GBP

Mama/Baby Session With Nicole Voucher

This is a popular choice for gifting a beloved new mama.

You will receive your voucher in your email (check your spam folder) together with a booking link. All you have to do is forward the email.

The Mama/Baby session is a beautiful baby bonding session as well as a postnatal massage.The beauty of it is that you can bring your baby along.

You and your baby get snuggling skin to skin while I massage you.

This is great if you have achy shoulders from feeding and carrying your baby or just for a little TLC and resting time together.

This is best suitable until about six weeks postnatal but I have had mama/baby pairs for repeat sessions up until around 12 weeks old. The older babies are a little more alert and may not be keen to snuggle for the hour. You know your baby best. Once your baby can roll over, I recommend that you sneak away for an hour for a 'Just Me' session.

Vouchers are valid for six months from date of purchase.


None of Nicole's services replace individual professional midwifery or medical care and advice. Nicole's courses and information sessions are designed to offer general information for interest only.  Nicole is acting as a pregnancy educator and not in the capacity of a midwife. Any of Nicole's services should only ever be used in conjunction with other reliable and trusted sources of information. Nicole accepts no responsibility or liability for any loss or damage caused, or thought to be caused, by making decisions based on the information in provided.